City of Lock Haven

Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade

Description: The city of Lock Haven, PA constructed a $33 million wastewater treatment plant upgrade in response to the DEP’s new discharge limits for total nitrogen and total phosphorous. The Biological Treatment Facility, constructed by Dutchland, Inc. using precast post-tensioned concrete, uses four SBRs with common wall construction to treat the 3.75 MGD average daily flow and a 9.0 MGD peak flow. On the opposite side of the Biological Treatment Facility there are four aerobic digesters in the process gallery for sludge stabilization. Additionally, in the Biological Treatment Facility, between the SBRs and aerobic digesters, there is a Process Gallery that houses pumps, blowers, chemical storage and additional equipment, offices, laboratory, restrooms, employee locker room and shower, and lunch room.

lock haven wwtp

Project Details

Project: 3.75 MGD Biological Treatment Facility

Date Completed: March 2013

Construction Duration: 10 months


Project Duration

10 months Total Precast


Date Completed

March 2013



3.75 MGD Biological Treatment Facility

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