Dutchland received a contract to build a 5,000 GPD mini-SBR for Sheetz in Madison County, VA. The mini-SBR is a new product for Dutchland that uses durable precast concrete structures, combined with high quality equipment, instrumentation and controls. Sheetz is the perfect application for the mini-SBR as they have a very tight site and lower flows, yet still require stringent requirements for groundwater discharge.
Mike Schmidt, Dan Klein, Zach Westcott, & Kirk Merges of Dutchland, Inc. worked together with Sheetz and their engineering firm, C.S. Davidson, to demonstrate that Dutchland’s mini-SBR was the most simple, cost effective solution to achieve their low nitrogen limits.
Dutchland will be the General Contractor for the project, delivering a total turn-key solution for Sheetz. The plant is scheduled to be operational by December 2016.