Dutchland was proud to serve as a supporting sponsor for the Environmental Center Educational Lobby that was dedicated by Alexandria Renew Enterprises yesterday. The lobby serves as a resource for the entire Alexandria community to enhance understanding and water stewardship.
The educational lobby features museum-quality interactive exhibits that illustrate how much water people use in their homes, how dirty water is transformed, and how to recover resources from the water that is cleaned. You can also witness reclaimed water in action in a 7,000 gallon fish tank and biowall.
Dutchland’s partnership with Alex Renew began with their State-of-the-Art Nutrient Upgrade (SANUP) initiative in which Dutchland constructed an 18 million gallon precast concrete tank. Over the past ten years, AlexRenew has made significant enhancements to its treatment process to meet new, stricter nitrogen removal standards. Through SANUP, AlexRenew has been helping to improve the overall quality of the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The facility enables Alex Renew to process 13 billion gallons of wastewater each year and won two engineering excellence awards in 2016. The American Council of Engineering Companies of Metro Washington and the American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists both recognized the project for its innovation, commitment to sustainability, and contribution to improving quality of life. The project was also awarded the Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Platinum Award for its environmental, social, and economic outcomes.
Dutchland is honored to sponsor projects that invest in the health of our community and water environment. If you are in the Alexandria area, be sure to stop by the Educational lobby!